Today’s reading (Isaiah 26:1-6) speaks about building. The key to building well is to have strong foundations. (Matthew 7:24-27) The Bible frequently speaks of God as our rock (e.g. Deut 32:3-4, Ps 18:2), our sure foundation, but also goes on to liken the church (the place where God dwells by His Spirit) as a building or temple (see Eph 2:19-22) and tells us we are all like ‘living stones’ (1 Pet 2:5).

This kind of building is strong and able to withstand the storms of life. Isaiah tells us that when our minds are fixed upon God, we can have a peace that is not circumstance-dependent. Trusting in God gives us a stability and foundation which sees us through life. Martin Luther wrote:

‘God is our fortress and our rock,

Our mighty help in danger;

He shields us from the battle’s shock

And thwarts the devil’s anger.’

Because of God as our Rock, we can stand firm, no matter what.