This morning, Garry spoke about how God wants to guide us and lead us in the light. In spring and summer, the day dawns early, but in winter, he often rises in the dark and dislikes having to be dazzled by the light, preferring to walk around the house in darkness. That’s all very well when you are in a familiar environment, but in the past, it’s led to a broken toe when he walked into the skirting board! Ultimately, it’s much safer and wiser to walk in the light.

Often, life can feel very much of a muddle, as if we are stumbling around in the gloom and in the dark. We don’t know what will happen tomorrow; uncertainty and confusion are everywhere. Some people consult mediums and spiritists to find out what to do, but God reminds us that we should seek Him and not the dead (Is 8:19-20). His word acts as a light to us (Ps 119:105, Ps 19:8), guiding us and leading us. So often, it’s not that we find God’s word difficult to understand; it’s that we don’t like what it tells us to do! God’s word has the power to turn the world upside down (Acts 17:6, KJV), but so often we are like Garry, preferring the gloom to the light. (John 3:19)

Jesus described Himself as the ‘light of the world’ (John 8:12). If we want to be wise and live well, we need to listen to God’s advice and leading and follow Him. Don’t settle for living in the gloom, but allow His light to illuminate your pathway.