The Bible has many examples of ordinary people who became friends with God:

  • Abraham (James tells us ‘Abraham believed God, and it was credited to him as righteousness, and he was called God’s friend.’ James 2:23, with other references being in 2 Chron 20:7 and Is 41:8)

  • Enoch (who walked with God, implying a close friendship)

  • David (a man after God’s heart whose psalms indicate a close friendship and intimacy with God.)

Jesus offered us all the opportunity to be His friends, telling HIs disciples ‘you are my friends if you do what I command.’ (John 15:4) So often, we can feel excluded from some friendship groups and that is extremely painful, but the only condition for friendship with God is obedience. We don’t have to earn God’s love (see Deut 7:6-8); Jesus died for us because of that great love. He cares for us so much, and loves us to such an extent that He died for you and me. Jesus gave His life so that we might have life, now and forever.

Though other friends may wound us, hurt us, reject us and leave us feeling forsaken, Jesus will never leave us or treat us in that way. We are all welcome – He died for each one of us. He waits to welcome us with open arms and those arms are there to carry us and support us throughout every stage of our lives. He offers us His friendship – are we willing to accept that offer and walk with Him too?