This morning’s service was at Cherry Tree Court and Mark spoke about friendship. He started with some quotations about friendship: ‘a true friend thinks you are a good egg, even though he knows you are slightly cracked’ and ‘friends are God’s way of apologising for families!’

The Bible reminds us of the importance of friendship, with Prov 17:17 telling us that ‘a friend loves at all times and a brother is born for adversity’ and Prov 18:24 reminding us ‘A man who has friends must himself be friendly, but there is a friend who sticks closer than a brother.’ Jesus told us that a true friend is one who is willing to lay down their lives for their friends (John 15:12-17) and demonstrated that Himself in dying for our sins. He is always there for us – He never goes to sleep, goes on holiday or leaves us. (see Heb 13:5) He is our friend even if no one else wants to be friends with us and this gives us hope even in difficult circumstances.