Read Psalm 119:113-120.

Over and over again in Ps 119, the psalmist prays to be kept, preserved or sustained according to God’s Word (see Ps 119:50, 93, 107, 116). The promises of God are the bottom line for His people. Aaron Shust reminds us ‘it doesn’t matter what we see’ (‘Deliver Me’); these promises are our hope in times of trial, visible reminders that we live by faith and not by sight.

Faith is never a comfortable ride, for it involves believing what is humanly impossible. Mary, when confronted with an angelic visitation proclaiming a miraculous conception and a virgin birth, unsurprisingly didn’t understand! ‘How will this be, since I am a virgin?’ she asked (Luke 1:34). The angel’s explanation required her faith, for it went beyond the limitations of human minds: ‘The Holy Spirit will come upon you and the power of the Most High will overshadow you.’ (Luke 1:35). Mary’s acceptance of God’s Word (‘may it be to me as you have said’, Luke 1:38) remains our example of living by the very words God speaks.

live by the word of GodAs we prepare to celebrate the birth of our Saviour, it’s worth pondering the faith responses of Mary and Joseph, thrust into parenthood of the Almighty with only God’s Word to sustain them. They had to battle doubt, fear, uncertainty, ridicule and contempt, just as we do. God’s promises kept them through the months of waiting and they are still the only thing which keep us going. The psalmist prays ‘do not let my hopes be dashed’ (Ps 119:116). His request, his plea, is ‘uphold me and I will be delivered.’ (Ps 119:117)

Our whole lives are lived in trembling awe of God (Ps 119:120). If He does not fulfil His word, we are left flat on our faces, with no hope, for we have jumped off the cliff edge, so to speak. Faith is risky; it leaves us out of control and trembling… but it also leaves us safe in the arms of a God who constantly astounds us with His faithfulness.

Mary carried the promise of God within her for the nine months of pregnancy. She and Joseph knew, as no one else could have known, that the fluttering and physical changes within her had not been caused by their sexual union. They watched the visible signs of faith in her and waited for the birth of their Saviour. As we pause to remember that miraculous story, let’s remember that we serve the same God of miracles who will uphold us, sustain us and deliver us according to His Word.