This morning we looked at the second miracle recorded in John’s gospel, the healing of the official’s son at Capernaum (John 4:46-54). This healing happened when Jesus spoke words of authority to the official who responded in faith, obeying the command to go, and finding that his son’s recovery occurred at the exact time Jesus spoke the words ‘your son will live.’
Faith seems to be an important part of miracles; in places where there was little faith, Jesus did not do many miracles. (Matt 13:58) The official had faith that Jesus could heal his son and was rewarded by words of healing. He is an example to us in coming to Jesus, asking for help, listening to what He says and then doing what Jesus commands. This is the path to seeing God work in miraculous ways.
God wants us to come to Him with expectation and anticipation (see Ps 5:3). We need eyes of faith to see what God can do before He acts (see Heb 11:1-6). Faith is like a muscle which needs to be stretched and developed. We may come to God in desperation, but He is able to meet us at the point of our need (see Ps 34:6-7). If we don’t believe He is capable and willing to meet our need, we will not see the miraculous, but when we come as this man did in faith and anticipation, we will be surprised at what He will do.