V is for Vision – Spiritual vision is the ability to see the invisible. It involves having an eternal perspective so that we’re not seduced by what we see all around us, but learn to ask God to open our eyes, even as Elisha prayed for his servant, so that he might know the armies of God are greater than all the armies of the world. (2 Kings 6:7) Developing spiritual vision happens when we STOP, LOOK AND LISTEN: when we pause from our doing to gaze on God and listen to Him.

W is for Witness – a witness is simply called to report what they have seen, and we who have seen something of God’s goodness and grace have a responsibility to pass that message on to everyone we meet (see 2 Kings 7). So often, we hold back, feeling inadequate or unable to share our story with others, but all are called to tell others their God-stories (Ps 107:2).

X is for Xenophilia – a love for outsiders, foreigners, strangers, commonly translated as ‘hospitality’. The Bible reminds us that we are all ‘foreigners and strangers’ on earth, all pilgrims passing through (Heb 11:13, Phil 3:20), so we need to show love in practical ways, not only to those who are like us but to those with whom we may have absolutely nothing in common. This life of faith is not something to be hidden away in a box. Jesus doesn’t want us to hide the light He’s given us. (Matt 5:14-15) We show love in practical ways as we practise hospitality. (Rom 12:13)

Y is for You! – The Christian faith isn’t just for other people! God knows you by name and cares for you. The genealogies we often find boring in the Bible are actually proof that God is interested in every individual. We are made in God’s image (Gen 1:27) and we matter so much to God that He sent His only Son to die for us so that we could be reconciled to Him. (John 3:16, 2 Cor 5:21) So often, we feel insignificant and unimportant, but God wants us to know that we are precious to Him and have a new identity in Him: we are children of God.

Z is for Zeal – the fuel which keeps us going on life’s marathon journey. Paul said, ‘Never be lacking in zeal, but always keep your spiritual fervour, serving the Lord.’ (Romans 12:11) Perseverance is needed, which comes as we are continually filled with the Holy Spirit. (Eph 5:18)