2 Samuel 13 is as painful a chapter to read as 2 Samuel 11. In this chapter, we see the rape of David’s daughter, Tamar, by her half-brother, Amnon, and the murder of Amnon by his half-brother, Absalom, in revenge for this crime. We see others failing to stop these crimes (especially Jonadab, an advisor and relative who ought to have known better) and even David choosing the way of silence and passivity rather than confronting (and disciplining) his wayward sons. There is little here to cheer us, though there is much to learn about human nature and the destructive nature of sin. In the light of current discussions in the UK about grooming gangs and the destruction of innocent lives, we see that there is nothing new under the sun and that the sinfulness of the human heart is the root cause of so much distress in our world.

Amnon mistakes lust for love, as many do in our society. Though incest was forbidden by God’s law, he connived with others to sleep with his half-sister, Tamar, and resorted to rape when she refused to comply. He took her virginity and destroyed her reputation, and then cast her aside, revealing a capacity for hate that bore no resemblance to the true definition of love (1 Cor 13:4-8).

The men who should have protected Tamar, including her brother Absalom and father David, said and did nothing for two years, and then Absalom, fuelled by hatred rather than seeking proper justice, took his revenge and killed Amnon. The consequences of David’s adultery and murder reverberate through this chapter, and at the end of it, we see Absalom estranged and still no justice for Tamar. It is humbling to read this tragic narrative; we shake our heads at the behaviour of so many.

Paul tells us that all Scripture is God-breathed and has things to teach us. (Heb 4:12, 2 Tim 3:16-17, 1 Cor 10:1-13) Jesus spoke to us about the fact that sin starts with our thoughts and heart attitudes (see Matt 5:21-30, Matt 12:33-36), long before our actions reveal the state of our hearts. This chapter reminds us that sin must be dealt with ruthlessly as soon as we become aware of it, so that it does not have the opportunity to grow and damage others. It reminds us that confrontation and discipline are necessary to train us in the paths of righteousness. Most of all, it should drive us to God in humility and prayer, for we can only overcome through the blood of Christ. In our own strength, we all succumb to the temptations and lures of sin, but in Him, there is power to overcome.