We hope to organise a day trip for local families to Flamingo Land in July. In order to keep costs down for families, we are looking to raise money for the trip through different means. We are holding an Easter raffle at the Parent & Toddler group at the end of March (you can support by donating prizes for this or buying raffle tickets at £1 per strip) and are also hoping to raise money at our Easter coffee morning by having buns and cakes and also a table top sale.
Our Easter coffee morning will be on Saturday 8th April (NOT the first Saturday in the month) between 10 a.m. and 12 p.m. and we are looking for donations of buns and cakes as well as any items in good quality which we can sell as a table top sale. It’s an opportunity to de-clutter your house and hopefully raise money for the summer outing at the same time!
Items can be brought in during our Parent & Toddler sessions on Wednesday and Friday mornings between 9 and 11 a.m.
Thank you in advance!