At the Cherry Tree Court service this morning, John spoke about doors. There are many different kinds of doors:

revolving doors

revolving doorswooden doors

wooden dooruPVC doors

uPVC doorsdoors with security code pads

code pad doorfire doors

fire doorDoors are usually designed to allow access into or out of a building and often have locks and security codes to prevent unauthorised access. Jesus described Himself as the door or gate for the sheep, allowing authorised access into the safety and security of the sheep pen (see John 10:1-16). He is the way through which we must enter if we want to be saved (see John 14:6); He is our good Shepherd who laid down His life for us. He gives us not only the assurance of a safe place in heaven, but grants us eternal life.

Doors have two sides: an inside and an outside. Rev 3:20 tells us that Jesus stands at the door and knocks, waiting for us to open the door of our hearts to allow Him entry. As the Holman Hunt painting ‘Light of the World’ shows, there is no handle on the outside of that door, for we must open that door. In the recent Germanwings tragedy, the black box revealed that the pilot had been locked out of the cockpit and could be heard hammering on the door, pleading with the co-pilot to allow him back in so that lives could be saved. Sadly, he was on the wrong side of the door and the co-pilot tragically allowed the plane to crash. Jesus is the Creator of the world and came to save all people from our sins, but in order for His death and resurrection to have any impact, He has to be on the inside, and only we can allow Him in. If we do this and open the door to allow Jesus entrance, we can know His saving presence and power in our lives.