Dave spoke this morning at Cherry Tree Court from Matt 6:25-34, urging us not to worry. Worry is so often the human condition; we find it so easy to worry about different things (including ‘historical’ worries such as the Cuban missile crisis, global warming etc.) The Peanuts cartoon features Charlie Brown speaking about his tendency to worry, saying ‘even my worries have worries’, which is typical of so many of us.

Worrying comes about because we are putting everything in our hands, believing (falsely) that we have to cope with everything and that everything relies on us. That is blatantly not true, since so much is out of our control, and it shows a lack of faith to worry, since Jesus reminds us here that our heavenly Father not only knows about our everyday needs, but cares about us enough to meet those needs. The major solution to worry, therefore, is trust in a loving God who is able to meet all our needs. Are we prepared to trust? It’s the only solution to worry!