As we look at the subject of ‘Do Something!’ this weekend, it’s very easy to be overwhelmed by the needs we see all around us on a daily basis and to feel helpless in the face of those needs. We can’t do everything, and as a result we often become paralysed by this helplessness and do nothing.

In a local shop, this sign used to hang above the till:

There was an important job to be done and Everyone was sure that Someone would do it.

Anyone could have done it, but No-one did it.

Someone got angry about that because he thought that it was Everyone’s job.

Everyone thought that Anyone could do it, but No-one realised that Everyone wouldn’t do it.

It ended up that Everyone was angry with Someone because No-one did what Anyone could have done!

It’s far easier to think others should be doing something than it is to listen to God individually and as a church for what He wants us to do. It’s far easier to be critical than it is to value the ordinary ‘somethings’ which can make a huge difference in the lives of individuals. But we are the body of Christ, called to be salt and light in the world (Matt 5:13-16). We are called to continue Christ’s ministry on earth (see Luke 9:1-2, Matt 28:18-20) and to understand that doing something is far better than doing nothing.

So often, we are dazzled by what we think are ‘important’ tasks (usually very visible tasks like preaching or leading worship), but Jesus reminds us that it’s the ordinary tasks that are also needed (see Matt 10:42, Matt 25:34-46). We need to seek God for what He wants us to do, understanding that so often He has placed passions and interests in our hearts as the first steps to service (Ps 37:4). Whatever we do, we need to do it willingly, whole-heartedly and with thanksgiving (Col 3:17, Eccl 9:10).

Service comes in many shapes and guises. The church remains God’s Plan A for transformation in our world today and He has no Plan B. He wants us to be His body, to be people who reflect His heart and who reach out to the world around us with love, commitment, passion, endurance and unity. Let’s do something to see His kingdom come, on earth as it is in heaven.