Mark gave the epilogue at tonight’s family service, speaking from Matthew 7:13-14. Often, we feel that if life is narrow and difficult, it must be because we are on the wrong path or have misheard God, but the way of following Christ involves difficulties and persecution, and we should not be surprised that life is not as easy as others declare (see also Ps 73). Life has its shares of ups and downs, and we must not immediately assume that if difficulties are present, God has abandoned us or is punishing us. The narrow path leads to life, but the broad path leads to destruction. The path to God requires vigour and our total attention; we must be prepared to accept the difficult parts as well as the joyful ones.

Following God requires us to make choices. God opens doors and closes them; we will know times of great blessing and also times of great trial. We should not be surprised at these things, but must continue to follow Him faithfully, wherever the path leads.