There are lots of voluntary groups in the Dearne area doing good things. If you can spare any time on Thursday 4th February between 10 a.m. and 12 noon, you could join the Dearne Area Clean and Tidy team in their clean-up of the footpaths from Nicholas Lane to Goldthorpe (part of the ‘Love Where You Live’ campaign):

Love where you live cleaning dayDon’t forget the ‘Churches Together’ meeting on Saturday 20th February at 6 p.m. at the Salvation Army. This is an opportunity to meet with Christians from other local churches to pray, share testimonies, worship and learn from God’s word. It’s good to see that God is working in all our local churches and great to have the opportunity to learn from others.

On Friday 4th March at 2 p.m. the Women’s World Day of Prayer will take place at the Roman Catholic church in Goldthorpe (situated at the bottom of Lockwood Road, just beyond the parish church.) This year, the service of prayer has been written by women from Cuba on the theme ‘Receive Children, Receive Me’. Women’s World Day of Prayer is an inter-denominational organisation supporting the work of prayer for God’s world, and donations received at this service are given to many different charities around the world, including Bible Society, Torch Trust for the Blind (which provides resources in Braille and audio recordings for the blind), The Leprosy Mission, Open Doors and Toybox, a charity which works with children who have largely been abandoned and often abused at the hands of adults they trusted.  They plan to use their money to carry out kitchen improvements at two of their partner children’s homes in Guatemala.