In our conclusion to the series ‘Living According To God’s Ways’, we looked at congruence in how we live. Congruence is harmony, with synonyms ‘to be compatible with, to be in agreement or accord with, to conform with.‘ A congruent life means there is no dissonance or difference between what we believe and how we live. When we live according to God’s ways, there will be wholeness and blessing.

To live like this means attitudes and actions become united, and we live out our faith with joy and peace. We develop deep roots so that we thrive rather than merely surviving (see Col 2:6-7) and allow God’s word to have authority over us, even if this means contradicting our own feelings or desires. We live according to God’s word, practising love and forgiveness, showing grace and mercy, because in this, we reflect God’s own character. Drivers know that if a vehicle is misaligned, there will be additional wear and tear on tyres and reduced fuel efficiency. When we are aligned with God’s will and live according to what He says and promises, then we can experience the fulness of life which Jesus spoke about in John 10:10.

Knowing what God promises and claiming these promises (see 2 Cor 1:20, Ps 119:41) is the key to living with hope and confidence. Some promises include salvation, relying on God’s unfailing love (see 1 John 4:16, Jer 31:3) and His provision in all circumstances. (Phil 4;19)

Congruence – that living-according-to-God’s-word-and-ways, that harmony which stops us being hypocrites but makes us authentic disciples of Jesus Christ – is what the world needs to see. We’re tired of people who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. We’re tired of our idols who only have feet of clay. There is a desperation in our generation, a desperation for authenticity and integrity and love and hope. As we are transformed into the image of God through our vulnerability, brokenness and faith, our lives gradually become brighter and more beautiful, precisely because God enters our lives, coming to dwell with us by His Spirit. Then we can shine brightly for God, becoming that city on a hill which will draw people to the Lord Himself. Never doubt the influence and impact ordinary people living according to God’s ways can have. We can change the world, not by ourselves, but by the power of God.