God’s purpose for His people is that they are conduits of blessing to others. A conduit is a channel (of water or electricity, for example.) The noun comes from words meaning ‘pipe’, and in the natural world, a conduit is a pipe made of metal or plastic which allows electricity or water to flow from one place to another. Metaphorically, to be a conduit is to convey something to someone else.
God works in and through people. He blessed Abraham so that Abraham could be a blessing to others – indeed, to the whole world. (Gen 12:3) His Holy Spirit living in us wants to bless others and to show them the reality of God in our world. We can be the channel through which God works, as the book of Acts demonstrates. Ordinary people turned the world upside down as the power of God moved through their faith and obedience. This is God’s chosen method of working – He involves us in His work and we become channels of blessing, conduits of His power.
What a purpose we have!