Don’t forget the ‘Churches Together’ prayer meeting on Tuesday 18th July at 7.15 p.m. at GPCC and our own prayer meeting on Thursday 20th July at 7.30 p.m. As we discussed last week, prayer is a vital, essential ingredient in a life of faith and it’s good for us to draw near to God in prayer.

Don’t forget also the workshops associated with the Dearne Community Arts’ Festival which start on Thursday 27th July. In the morning, there is the opportunity to see new technology in art with a short virtual reality film about the history of mining at Goldthorpe Library from 10 a.m. until 12 noon:

In the afternoon of Thursday 27th July, there is an aromatherapy session run by WEA from 1-3 p.m. Come along to be pampered!

On Monday 31st July at GPCC there is a storytelling/ creative writing session for 6-12 year olds run by children’s author, Jeannette Ayton: