Rend Collective’s song ‘Build Your Kingdom Here’ (listen here is, like the psalms originally were, a prayer set to music. It is a cry to God to do a whole host of things including powerful demonstrations of His ability to change situations. It’s a recognition that we need God to bring light into darkness, hope into despair, and that only He can heal our streets and land and change the atmosphere of hopelessness and helplessness which seem so prevalent.
The phrase ‘Come, set our hearts ablaze with hope/ Like wildfire in our very souls‘ captures an urgency and potential which form the basis of so many prayers. We need the fire of the Holy Spirit burning within God’s people if we are to make an impact on our community. The song makes the startling proclamation, ‘We are Your church, and we are the hope on earth’, truth from a spiritual perspective which must be embraced if we are to see God’s kingdom come in earth as it is in heaven, for the church is God’s plan of proclamation to the world. The church, for all its present imperfections, is God’s idea!

A few years ago, I started thinking about wall art as a way of proclaiming truth as well as creating beauty, and the desire to use the church car park wall was born in my heart. The wall was broken down and to spend money on such a project was impossible. I knew first hand how expensive such things could be, as in 2021 I was involved with the Dearne Community Arts’ Festival‘s community art project to paint the brick wall at Goldthorpe Railway Embankment. The brick wall had to be rendered to give a smooth surface for painting; paints and an artist who can translate ideas into reality cost money. I left my desires for street art with God and waited.
I sometimes think life is like a jigsaw puzzle. My Dad loved doing jigsaws and had a jigsaw mat on which he could leave his jigsaws while he worked intermittently on them. He would do a few pieces each day and then move on. It seems like this is how God has worked on this project. First, the Market Tap moved in next door and repaired the wall. I talked with a variety of people who have been involved in street art and was encouraged by them. Then there was the possibility of funding from Pride of Place in late 2023 which could pay for the wall rendering and for an artist to complete the painting. We sent in the application and waited.
The funding was supposed to be spent by March 2024, and we heard nothing. That piece of the jigsaw remained out, not yet fitted into place. We waited. The project was not forgotten, but it was not completed (or even started, if I’m honest.) Yet I still had an inner conviction that the message would be on this wall at some point. I just didn’t know when.
Then, quite unexpectedly, we had an email saying the funding had been granted if we still wanted to go ahead with the project, and suddenly there was a flurry of activity. The plasterers we had had visit us last year were contacted again and D. G. Sykes came to render the wall. We talked with artists about our ideas and apponted Jayde Marie Bell to do the painting. Once again, we marvelled at God’s provision and timing.
Now, as the new school year starts and the arts’ festival looms again (happening on Saturday 28 September at Astrea Academy Dearne), the painting on this wall mural is about to start. It’s hugely exciting and daunting, all at the same time. To be involved, however periperhally, in God’s miracles always leaves me filled with awe.
“Come, set our hearts ablaze with hope
Like wildfire in our very souls.“
Prayers – and songs – are powerful. Come, pray this prayer with us and see what God will do as He builds His kingdom here.