There have been a number of incidents of vandalism near the church building over recent weeks, including the theft of the new cigarette bins, damage to a cigarette bin, damage to the notice board and incidents involving cars. We are investigating the installation of CCTV cameras to help protect the area, but would ask all parking in the vicinity to take care at the present time and to report all incidents to us and to the police (by calling 101). We may need to organise a rota for supervision of the car park during Sunday evening meetings and it would be helpful to know if any men would be willing to do this. Please also pray about this situation, for God’s protection on the building and on our property and for His intervention in the lives of those set to disrupt and cause criminal damage to property.

On a more positive note, we are organsing a church outing to Scarborough on Saturday 9th June. A £5 deposit is needed to secure your place on the trip, which will be refunded on the day to help buy your lunch! We will be organising a coach to take us there, so please sign the list at church if you would like to come along with us for this day out. We will be leaving about 9 a.m. and departing from Scarborough about 5 p.m.