A Chapter Of Questions

It’s always fascinating to learn the collective nouns for groups of animals. Most people are familiar with ‘a pride of lions’, but did you know about ‘a bike of bees’ or ‘a congregation of alligators’? Luke 6 is so full of questions that we might call it ‘a chapter of...

Meeting The Need

Garry spoke this morning from Gen 41:53-57, looking at how Joseph met the needs of people through the seven years of famine. This was possible because of the dream which God gave to Pharaoh and which Joseph interpreted, which meant that during the seven years of...

A Voice That Speaks

As we continued our Bible studies on ‘the end of the world as we know it’, we looked at the start of Revelation 1, the introduction to possibly the most misunderstood book in the Bible. A ‘revelation’ (or ‘apocalypse’) simply means an unveiling, and in this book, a...

Rising From The Ashes

Yesterday a young girl asked me if there was a phoenix at Phoenix Park – an excellent question which made me realise how much I take for granted and how much I need to teach the younger generation about our local history. The phoenix is an immortal bird...

Nothing New Under The Sun

Yesterday I attended a community event at Monk Bretton Priory known as ‘Medieval Mayhem’. A combination of historical entertainment and educational information was present, with people showing us about making arrows, the use of archery in medieval warfare...

The Church Of God

Garry spoke tonight about the church of God. The church is a people who assemble together because they are called by God. God knows the best way for us to live and if we are to live well (thriving instead of just surviving), we need to live according to His ways. God...