The Power Of Words

At the Bible study tonight, we looked at James 3:1-12. James has been showing us the connection between faith and works, and our speech is another area where the connection between what we believe and how we live needs to be lived out. This passage in many Bibles is...

‘Gran Torino’: parable of meekness

Gran Torino (2008 film directed by, and starring, Clint Eastwood) is a modern parable on meekness and self-sacrifice. Like any parable, it tells a story: the story of an old, irascible war veteran and factory worker, Walt, and his increasing alienation from his own...

Have you got the guts to be meek?

Garry cotninued his study of the Beatitudes last night, looking at Matt 5:5 (“Blessed are the meek, for they will inherit the earth.”)Meekness is not a quality the world values. It is perceived as being the same as weakness. Biblical meekness can look like...

After the walls, the gates!

Mark followed on from Stephen’s sermon last week on rebuilding broken walls by looking at ‘possessing the gates of the enemy’ (Gen 24:60) this morning.Gates are often found in cities and towns and serve a dual purpose of keeping out enemies and...

More of Igor

Just in case anyone has been having withdrawal symptoms from Igor the iguana… He is still well, not enjoying the English autumn (being a warm-blooded reptile), but sadly has not been on many adventures lately. The closest he has come to an adventure was last...

Broken walls

Stephen’s recent DIY experiences in completely renovating the bathroom at home led to this sermon on broken walls, with Nehemiah 1:3 as the starting point for the sermon. In this book, Nehemiah is one of the people God uses to encourage and help Israel to...