Birthdays and food banks

It was Mark’s birthday today! We also listened to an update as to what is required for the food bank (tinned meats, tinned vegetables, cereals and jams, marmalade and lemon curd) and were asked to come up with fund-raising ideas to help with this. We had an...

Every day or everyday?

It’s easy for us to take people and things for granted and grace can, sadly, become something which fails to thrill our hearts if we do this. ‘Familiarity breeds contempt’, the proverb says. The problem with so much of ‘everyday church’ is that we equate ‘every day’...

Grace in the everyday and the mundane

In the second sermon in the series ‘Everyday Church’, we looked at the vast topic of God’s grace, there for us every day of our Christian lives, even in ‘the everyday and the mundane.’ (Matt Redman, ‘Your Grace Finds Me’) ‘It’s there in the newborn cry There in the...

Love Where You Worship

This morning, Julie started a new series entitled ‘Everyday Church’, looking today at the fundamental fact that ‘God has placed the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be.’ (1 Cor 12:18) Many of the New Testament...

Family visit…

At yesterday’s Parent & Toddler group, we had a visit from former members of the church who have moved away from the area: It’s always good to catch up on news, see how children have grown and to realise that members of God’s family belong to...

God the Builder

Most of us have heard of the children’s TV character Bob the Builder: Garry spoke last night, however, on God the builder: As we celebrate 50 years of this church having its own building and have looked at how the church has grown, developed and changed over the...