Bass lines (2)

It’s funny how themes recur in our lines and how we find God saying the same thing to us more than once (largely because we are dull of hearing and even duller of heart, I expect.) Over two years ago, I wrote a post called ‘Bass lines. I’d just...

The Word of God

Dave spoke from John 8:48-59 on the deity and pre-incarnate nature of Christ. The difference between orthodox faith and cults or between Christianity and other religions has always been focussed on the person of Jesus Christ. Other monotheistic religions do not...


This morning’s service at Cherry Tree Court  looked at the theme of thankfulness (see 1 Thess 5:18 and Eph 5:20). The book Pollyanna by Eleanor H. Porter tackles this topic, showing how Pollyanna learnt to play the ‘glad game’ from her father,...

Thin Places

The term ‘thin place’ occurs in Celtic writings and refers to a ‘sacred place’ where the presence of God is felt keenly, a place where ‘the boundary between heaven and earth seems especially thin’, where we sense God’s...

‘Churches Together’ coming soon!

Next Saturday (20th September) will be the next ‘Churches Together’ meeting, starting at 7 p.m. at GPCC. We have really enjoyed getting together with other local churches on several occasions throughout 2014 and are sure that God will bless this time...