Tidings of Comfort And Joy

The Christmas carol speaks of ‘tidings of comfort and joy’ (‘God Rest You Merry, Gentlemen’) and these two things are often linked in the Bible. God promised through Jeremiah, ‘I will give them comfort and joy instead of sorrow’ (Jer 31:13), and Isaiah called us to...

The Starting Point

I was fortunate to learn music at school. Starting with the recorder and going on to the flute, I learned to play instruments and read music from a young age. Music theory is the practical application of turning twelve notes into an endless variety of melodies in such...

Joy – God’s Gift To Us

Joy is much more than happiness. It’s defined in the dictionary as ‘a feeling of great pleasure and happiness’, but Biblical joy is not rooted in circumstances (or ‘happenings’). What happens to us often determines whether we feel happy or miserable; our moods change...

Answered Prayer

Those of you who read this page regularly know that we believe God answers prayer. We are thrilled to hear of the progress on the Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer (https://www.eternalwall.org.uk/), a sculpture being built in the North-East of England which will have a...

A Pollyanna Perspective

Perspective matters hugely when it comes to joy. Two people can view the same circumstances entirely differently; one will show resilience and positivity; another will feel despair and want to give up. Some of this depends on temperament, but much depends on...

Christmas Planning

The song ‘Midnight’ by Helen and Mark Johnson has the line ‘Tonight’s events were planned in heaven/ The greatest story ever penned,’ and in our carol service tonight we looked at the preparation that went into the first Christmas....