Unto Us

‘Unto Us’ (lyrics taken from Is 9:6-7) is probably my favourite new Christmas song of this year. Taken from Aaron Shust’s Christmas album of the same name, the song captures the wonderfully lyrical piano music I love and has a truly epic feel to it...

Christingle Carol Service

Tonight’s carol service took the form of a Christingle service. The Sunday school sang a song: Dave spoke about how in the beginning there was no light and yet how God has always existed and spoke light into being. His light now is available to shine in us. The...

The Perfect Gift

Today’s carol service at Cherry Tree Court looked at the (very topical) question of the perfect gift. Giving a gift is an integral part of Christmas and can be extremely nerve-wracking! We choose gifts for people with loving care, but at times, the special...

Unspeakable joy

Chris Tomlin’s version of ‘Joy To The World’ includes a new chorus added to the traditional carol: ‘Joy, unspeakable joy An overflowing well, no tongue can tell. Joy, unspeakable joy Rises in my soul, never lets me go.’ The joy God brings...

Did You Know?

There is so much in life we don’t know and we don’t understand. When Mary was visited by the angel Gabriel and given the momentous news that the Holy Spirit would overshadow her and she would conceive a baby who would be the Saviour of the world, her...

Mums & Toddlers’ Christmas Party

Today was the Mums & Toddlers’ Christmas party, enjoyed by both groups in equal measure, I would say! First arrivals: Having fun playing: As at all parties, there was food to eat! There was a visit from Santa: .. and presents to receive: Even the Mums got...