Food for thought

I like films that make me think (as well as ones when I don’t have to think at all…!)  Last night I watched the 2014 film ‘Calvary’, wondering whether this would be yet another film which lambasted the Catholic church over paedophile priests...

Fill us up and send us out…

‘Fill us up and send us out’ are lyrics from the Tim Hughes’ song ‘God of Justice.’ They perfectly embody Jesus’s ‘Great Commission’ (Matt 28:16-20), reminding us that empowerment from the Holy Spirit is not to make us...

Helmet & Sword

Stephen concluded his series on the armour of God by looking at the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit. (Eph 6:12-17) In natural terms, a helmet protects the head, and in Roman times was usually made of metal which surrounded the face as well as the top...

The Bus Stop Syndrome

Mark’s sermon on the Holy Spirit this morning looked at how our attitudes matter enormously to seeing God move among us. If we approach God with the ‘bus stop syndrome’, we are likely to come before Him with low expectations and desire, wondering if...

Update on Bedline

This week we have had a letter from the pastor of the project which supports Bedline, our Compassion child. Jean Dieumarc is pastor of the Church of the Nazarene of Sarrazine, ministering to Bedline at the Child Development centre in Mirebalais. The community of...

Wind, fire, water, dove

The Bible often uses pictures to help us to understand God. The Holy Spirit is described as wind, fire, water and as a dove to help us to understand more of His nature and purposes. Spirit, wind, breath The Hebrew word for spirit (ruach), like the Greek word (pneuma),...