
I learnt a new word at the weekend, and as always was very excited about this fact! That word was ‘bokeh’, and relates in particular to photography, apparently meaning ‘the aesthetic quality of the blur produced in the out-of-focus parts of an image...

The Gifts of the Spirit

Dave spoke last night from 1 Cor 14, continuing our focus on the person and work of the Holy Spirit. Often, there are two extremes we feel concerning spiritual gifts, either believing we are deficient because we do not speak in tongues, for example, or believing that...

God is on our side!

Our series on the Songs of Ascent looked at Ps 124 this morning, a psalm which looks hazards squarely in the face and declares ‘our help is in the name of the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth.’ (Ps 124:8) It’s unequivocal in listing some of the...

Building on grace

Tonight’s Bible study looked at 1 Cor 3:10-15, where Paul talks about laying a foundation as a master builder. Everything he does is by the grace God has given him (see 1 Cor 15:9-11, Rom 12:5-7); we too need to realise that everything we have and are comes from...

Coming soon…

The Salvation Army are celebrating their 150 years’ anniversary this year, remembering how William and Catherine Booth started the movement in the East End of London in 1865. Locally, Goldthorpe Salvation Army will be having a celebration day on Saturday 4th...