Maintaining Your Motivation (3)

Developing Motivation If we are to keep our spiritual fervour and zeal for God alight, we have to do certain things to develop motivation (rather like exercising our muscles!) 1. Renounce negativity. Negativity deflates and focuses attention away from God. We have to...

Maintaining Your Motivation (2)

Declining Motivation It is easy to let motivation slip, but the problem with losing motivation is that this is generally a slow process during which we become moody, adept at procrastination, increase in negativity and a critical attitude and neglect our time with...

Maintaining Your Motivation (1)

Guest speaker Yan Hadley brought a challenging message on ‘maintaining your motivation’ last night, looking at Col 3:23 which reminds us of the need to work at everything we do with all our hearts. ‘Candyfloss Christianity’, which, like the...

Saviour of Egypt

Mark spoke from Gen 47:13-26 this morning, continuing to look at the story of Joseph. Here, we see how Jacob’s blessing of Pharaoh (so incongruous in that Pharaoh was the most important leader in the world at that time and Jacob was a mere Hebrew landowner),...

July dates

Whilst the holiday season is upon some of us, there are still things happening in Goldthorpe in July! Apart from the usual meetings at church, there are special meetings at other local churches coming up. On Saturday 4th July between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m., the Salvation...

Sing a new song

Ps 96:1 tells us ‘ Sing to the Lord a new song; sing to the Lord, all the earth’ (a command repeated in Ps 98:1 and Ps 149:1.) This promises to be a great summer of new songs for the Lord. Matt Redman’s album ‘Unbroken Praise’ was...