September events

Don’t forget the ‘Churches Together’ meeting this Saturday (17th September) at 6 p.m. at Goldthorpe Pentecostal Community Church on Market Street, Goldthorpe. It’s a great opportunity to get together with Christians from local churches and find...

The Garden of Your Mind

I subscribe to an email called ‘Moodscope’, which offers thoughts on dealing with depression and mental health issues. Today’s thoughts were entitled ‘the garden of your mind’, and said  our minds are like a garden, protected by a wall,...

Insurance or Assurance?

When we take out insurance, it always pays to read the small print and discover if we are fully covered for all eventualities: quite often, there are ‘get-out clauses’ or excesses to pay before we can receive anything from the insurance company in the...

The Peace Jesus Gives

Dave spoke this morning from John 14:27 this morning at Cherry Tree Court about the peace Jesus promised to leave His disciples. In this passage, He was bidding farewell to His disciples, for He knew that crucifixion awaited Him, but despite the coming pain and...

In that day… in this day

So much of life seems to be spent in a tension between the ‘now’ and the ‘not yet’, between what we currently experience and what we know lies ahead. The prophets often spoke about the future, proclaiming what God would do ‘in that...

I am what I am

Matthew West’s song ‘Hello, My Name Is…’ contrasts how we often see ourselves with the truths of who we are in Christ. So often, we are filled with condemnation, regret and defeat, but God’s grace brings us a new perspective on ourselves as well as on life...