Stephen spoke from Rom 12:3-8 about the different parts of the body (both literally and metaphorically). He began by asking us what is the most important part of a car? – the engine which powers the car, the fuel which is needed for the engine to work, the key which is used to start the ignition, the fob needed to open the door to allow the car to travel or the driver behind the wheel? Clearly, each part is essential in order for the car to work, and in the same way, we are all essential parts of the body of Christ.

There are different roles and functions for us all to do in the body of Christ, but so often we fall into two extremes: either believing ourselves to be indispensable, having a ‘monopoly’ on service, or believing we are useless, having no gifts or talents and feeling condemned by others’ gifts which we perceive as being more important. The truth is that we are all needed and effective: our ‘nothing’ is ‘something’ to God. Monopoly is not the game; the goal is not our own importance or our own condemnation; instead, we are called to serve God with Christ’s victory as our goal. Together, everyone achieves more – we need each other and need to find our place in the body of Christ.