Dave spoke from Judges 13:22-24 last night on the theme of how we can know we are saved. Some consider this arrogance, whilst others may feel they lack assurance that the sacrifice of Jesus is sufficient to cover all their sins, but the Bible is clear that confidence and assurance in God’s saving power are the gift of God to all who believe.

Samson was born during the period of the judges, a period when sin would reign for a while and when people called out to God in repentance, He would hear and send them a godly judge to help them:

JudgesThis passage narrates the circumstances surrounding the birth of Samson, when the angel of the Lord appeared to Manoah and his wife, promising them – despite her barrenness – a son who would be set apart for God (taking the Nazirite vow.) Manoah’s response to these awesome promises and the presence of the angel of the Lord is terror, but his wife reassures him that if the Lord had been going to kill them, He would not have accepted their sacrifice.

1. Accepted sacrifice

The fact that Jesus’s sacrifice has been accepted by the Father (as demonstrated by the resurrection of Jesus from the dead) reassures us that no price for sin will be expected from us, for Jesus has paid that price. Jn 3:16 reminds us of God’s great love for the world and as we look at the Cross, we see God’s work of salvation is complete. The testimony of answered prayer and the knowledge that God has accepted our own offerings to God confirm that Christ’s sacrifice is enough and God is not going to punish us further for our sins, for the Lamb of God has been sacrificed once and for all to pay for sins.

2. Divine revelation

Manoah’s wife also reassured him that God would not have revealed His plans to them if He had intended to kill them. God too has revealed things to us, not to condemn us, but to save us. He has revealed the depth of our sin to us so that the disease can be recognised and ultimately can be cured. He has revealed the shallowness and emptiness of the world to us, showing us that satisfaction is only found in Him. He has also revealed the presence of Christ to us, giving us joy in all circumstances.

3. Divine Promises

Manoah’s wife realised that the promises God made to them concerning Samson meant their lives would be spared to fulfil their role in this great plan. God has given us many great promises, including the fact that He will never leave us or forsake us (Heb 13:5) and that He came into the world to save sinners. (1 Tim 1:15) God would not give us so many great and precious promises if His intent was for us to perish.

We need to absorb the truths of the efficacy of Christ’s sacrifice and everything promised in God’s divine revelation and promises so that we do not lack assurance but can approach God with boldness and confidence, sure that we are accepted in the beloved.