At our recent Team Building Day, we were offered the challenge of explaining the gospel using a random object: a newspaper, a torch, a piece of string and so on. As we rose to that challenge, Gemma commented that she could think of a Christian song in relation to most of these objects, but not chocolate…
Never one to avoid a challenge, Garry set about rectifying that situation, and tonight we had the world premiere of his song ‘Better Than…’ which reminds us God’s love is better than anything – even chocolate!
Better than any chocolate,
Better than any cake,
Better than any ice cream, even with a flake!
And it’s better than money
Or anything it buys,
‘Cos you can never buy a love that never dies.
Oh, the love of God
So high, so deep, so wide.
Yes, the love of God
Means God is by my side.
Oh, the love of God,
The reason why I sing.
Oh, the love of God,
It’s better than anything.