Stephen continued looking at our kitbags of prayer last night, reminding us that we are in a spiritual battle (Ephesians 6:10-17) and that we need not fear to enrol as God’s soldiers, for nothing can separate us from God’s love. (Rom 8:35-39) We need a range of equipment to go in our kit bags, but (rather like Mr Potato Head from Toy Story), God gives us everything we need for the battle.  Our struggle is not against people, but is a spiritual battle and therefore we need spiritual weapons with which to fight.

The belt of truth is the first item on Paul’s list of spiritual armour. A belt holds things up and encircles us, offering us protection and support. It was also the place where the weapon (a sword) could be held. Truth is essential for every aspect of our lives (see 1  Thess 5:21, Acts 17:11) and the Word of God offers us guidance and direction in every aspect of living. 1 Pet 1:13 in the KJV urges us to ‘gird up the loins of your mind’ and reminds us that truth has to surround us completely and be part of our very thinking in order to do us good and set us free.

We are called to be soldiers of God and need to be enrolled in His service, every part of our lives submitted to His leadership.