An Angel Scarecrow

As a church, we don’t celebrate Halloween. We want to keep our eyes focussed on Jesus, rather than allowing ourselves to be distracted by darkness – witches, spooky creatures, skeletons, spiders and bats… It’s not good to focus on such things,...

The Beloved’s Search

Like the book of Esther, Song of Songs does not mention God directly and its sensual nature puts many off reading it. But all Scripture is God-breathed and useful to us (2 Tim 3:16) and Dave spoke tonight from Song of Songs 3:1-4 about the need for God’s people...

Seeking God and His Kingdom

Mark Burgin spoke this morning from Matt 6:25-34, focussing on our need to seek God and His kingdom above all. When playing ‘Hide & Seek’ with grandchildren, it gets harder to find them as they get older and become more adept at hiding; sometimes we...

Visions and Numbers

Numbers in the book of Revelation have been debated for years. Whether they are meant literally or metaphorically can be discussed endlessly, with few incontrovertible conclusions reached. In Revelation 4:1-11, we see twenty-four thrones and twenty-four elders as well...

The Worship of God

Revelation 1-3, despite its imagery, resembles quite a few other New Testament letters with its vision of Jesus and its warnings, exhortations and promises to the churches. Once we get past these first three chapters, however, we move into more symbolic realms where...