In a strange place

Mark continued his series on Joseph this morning in Genesis 37, looking at how Joseph continued to hold on to the dream even in a strange place. The ‘worst day of his life’ was when he was sold into slavery by his own brothers, but actually, as we saw last...

Looking forward…

As we reach the end of another year, not only do we look back retrospectively, assessing all we have experienced and learnt in that year, we also look forward with anticipation to what God is going to do in the New Year. Dave was talking about this in the prayer...

Looking back…

At the end of every year, I usually get a selection of photos printed off to go in the church’s photo album (one of our ‘archives’ or means of keeping records.) It is always interesting to go through the collection of photos from the previous twelve...

Sing and Shout!

I doubt we can do it quite like this, but ‘Sing and Shout’ is definitely something we want to do at Goldthorpe! (I love all the drums…!) Matt Redman and Christy Nockels (both on the video) will be in Bradford on Wednesday 26th February as part of the...

Unveiled Hope

One of the most striking things I have learnt this year is the connection between the visible and the invisible and how, by faith, the invisible actually becomes visible. This was articulated for me in the Aaron Shust song ‘Rushing Waters’ where he sings...