This month’s prayer topic focuses on the need for us to live holy lives. Peter tells us ‘But just as he who called you is holy, so be holy in all you do; for it is written: “Be holy, because I am holy.” ‘ (1 Pet 1: 15-16)

holy, holy, holyWe are called to be set apart for God, our lives wholly given over to Him. Paul reminds Timothy that God ‘has saved us and called us to a holy life – not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose and grace.’ (2 Tim 1:9) Holiness is not simply about our effort and virtue; it is God’s will for our lives and He gives us the strength and power to live for Him in ways that are worthy of our calling.

Often, we associate holiness with perfection or with being sinless, and therefore allow condemnation to rule our lives when we realise we are neither perfect nor sinless. Holiness involves our active participation with God, but we are dependent on His sacrifice to make us holy: ‘For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy.’ (Heb 10:14) We understand that there is a sense in which holiness is imparted to us at salvation but also that the process of ‘being made holy’ (also known as ‘sanctification’) is ongoing throughout our lives. As the Message version translates the above verse, By that single offering, he did everything that needed to be done for everyone who takes part in the purifying process.

Our prayer this month is for the saving grace of Christ to be known in our lives in increasing measure and for us all to understand God’s purposes for our lives and to live according to those purposes. As the Holy Spirit highlights areas in our lives that need to change, we pray for the courage and grace to change and for the determination and will to dedicate our whole lives to God, so that purity, integrity and wholeness can be the spiritual fruit grown through our walk with God.

‘Back to our first love, nothing between us
Back to Your heart, to the start of it all, where we found You.
Out of the ashes, into the fire
You are refining our hearts in the flames of Your presence.

Set apart for our God above, set apart for the One we love.
Set apart for Your glory, we are Yours, Yours.

Sacred and holy, Your name is worthy
Jesus, awaken our hearts now to be Your revival.’ (‘Set Apart’, Worship Central)