God does not change (Ps 55:19, Mal 3:6). This is tremendously reassuring to us. James reminds us that He is not like the shifting shadows, but is a reliable, generous, faithful God. (James 1:17) Heb 13:8 reminds us that Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. We cna be secure even in an insecure, changing, volatile world because God remains the constant in all of life’s changes.

Matt Redman’s song ‘We Shall Not Be Shaken’ reminds us of who God is: ‘You never change, You never fail, You never fade…‘ God’s sovereignty, power and love remain unchanged, no matter how difficult our circumstances may seem to us. When everything is shaking, God remains unshaken (see Heb 12:28-29). It’s much easier to cope with the changes in life if we fix our focus on God, rather than the outside factors which change. Mother Theresa remins us that we are not called to be successful; we are called to be faithful. By fixing our eyes on God, we have an anchor point for life’s journey.