A new Aaron Shust CD is always something to look forward to in our household, all the more so when its arrival has been delayed because we wanted a physical CD, not just an MP3 download, something which proved rather elusive in the UK. Now that it has arrived, we’re enjoying the truths of these ten songs which express praise to God (‘Doxology‘).

The opening track is called ‘Always Will Be’ and focuses on the eternal nature of God and His abiding presence with us (never a bad place to start!) For me, the song is beautifully crafted (the lyrics starting with the suffering and anguish we so often feel, moving on to the positive, using alliteration to fasten truths into our hearts and different tenses to remind is of God’s everlasting nature), with the music containing catchy rhythm, percussion and clapping which evoke the joy of God’s presence. One reason I held out for the physical CD above a download  is that the word sheets in Aaron Shust’s CDs contain all the Scripture references behind the lyrics, a mini Bible-study per song! This song is absolutely packed with Biblical truth (see Rev 1:8, Is 43:1-2, Ps 9:7, Ps 23:5, for example.)

‘Where there is heartache,
Where there is hatred,
Where there is suffering,
You are there.
Where I was wounded,
Where I was weeping,
Where I was weakest,
You were there.

All the way You fill my cup
In the fire You held me up.
Jesus, You were, You are,
You always will be there.
Jesus, You were, You are,
You always will be there.

Why would I run?
I know You’re here.
When You are with me
There’s nothing to fear.
Jesus, You were, You are,
You always will be.

Where there is hope and
Where there is mercy,
Where there is justice,
You are there.
When I needed breakthrough,
When I needed healing,
When I need freedom,
You were there.

Reigning for ever,
You have been
And You will always be
Holy, Lord God almighty
You have been
And You will always be…’ (‘Always Will Be’, Aaron Shust)

Ultimately, it is God’s presence alone which sustains us, holds us up and gives us reason to celebrate, whether we find ourselves in the midst of suffering or freedom. His promise never to leave us or forsake us (Heb 13:5) is enough to put a smile on our faces!
