On Friday 16th March, we are involved in the Dearne Churches Together Day of Prayer at Furlong Road Methodist Church. The building will be open from 9 a.m. until 6 p.m., with ‘prayer spaces’ created to encourage us to pray and focus our attention on different aspects of prayer. Prayer can be creative: we can pray as we make craft things or share in communion, meditating on all God has done for us and asking Him to work in life’s difficult situations and bless our churches and communities. Please feel free to drop in during this time and stay as long (or as short) as you can. It’s so good to set time aside to pray and we believe that our lives need to be rooted in the rhythm of prayer.

Not everyone is able to gather in a church building, but that doesn’t stop us praying! We can pray at any time and in any place! So even if you can’t make it to Furlong Road, we would encourage you to sign up for a 30-minute slot betweeen 8 a.m. and 10 p.m. on that date when you commit to pray. A sheet with a ‘prayer wall’ will be at our church this weekend and you can sign a ‘brick’ to commit to pray at that time. Let’s make a prayer chain on that day so that we cover our area with prayer.

Paul urged the Thessalonians to pray continually. (1 Thess 5:17) It’s a privilege to be able to call on the name of the Lord wherever we are. May each one of us learn the joy of setting aside time to seek God’s face, listen for His voice and intercede for our families, friends and communities. The news is often full of woe, but we have a God who cares and is eager to listen to our prayers. Let’s make the most of that opportunity! Even if circumstances won’t let you get to Furlong Road, don’t let circumstances stop you from praying!