Having reflected on David and Psalm 34, this is my own psalm of celebration.


Of Julie. During the 3rd English lockdown of 2021, when liberty was curtailed and an atmosphere of fear and desperation prevailed.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and remember it was for freedom that Christ has set you free.

Bless the Lord, O my soul, and use those invisible eyes of faith to see what will never be reported in the mainstream media.

Dance before your God with unbridled joy, for He reigns completely.

Sing loudly and lustily of the King’s love, which never fails and never ends,

Letting loose a song louder than the birdsong of spring.

Smile till your eyes crinkle and your teeth shine forth,

Because God is on the throne and won’t let you down.

Get the percussion instruments out and make that joyful noise,

And if others call it a cacophony, rejoice all the louder because praise is your best weapon against doom.

Lift up the praises of our God,

Because He is worth celebrating, and celebration is a choice.

Bring him daisy chains and spring flowers as your garland of praise,

A feast of colour,

A celebration of creativity and diversity like no other.

Blow up balloons and shower confetti around as at a wedding.

Wave flags and blow the trumpets!

Be reckless and bold in your celebrations,

For no one else is like our God.

Wave flags and blow the trumpets!

Be reckless and bold in your celebrations,

For no one else is like our God.

He rescues us from divided hearts and sets our feet on a rock.

He plants our feet on solid ground and puts joy in our hearts.

We turn our backs on doom and gloom,

Because He does all things well.

Better is one day with Him than a thousand in the mines of self-sufficiency.

Better is one moment in His presence than a million spent in lifeless lockdown,

For the Lord Almighty reigns.

His power knows no limit

And His words are faithful and true.

He is trustworthy and truthful,

Wiser than all our know-it-alls

And kinder than our angels of mercy.

No one can compare with Him,

So lift up your heads and celebrate!