Stephen spoke this morning at Cherry Tree Court from John 9:1-7. Here, the story of how Jesus healed a man blind from birth is recounted, but as Stephen pointed out, this was not just a miracle for that man. Through this narrative, we can see how God cares for each one of us and can bring out miracles for us all.

Jn 9:1 tells us that as Jesus went by, He saw a man blind from birth. No one pointed out the blind man to Him; there were no friends advocating his cause, as in other healing narratives (e.g Mark 2:1-12), Instead, Jesus Himself saw the man; He noticed him. We can be sure that Jesus sees us and notices us too.

The disciples raised a question as to the cause of the man’s suffering, whether it was because of his own sin or his parents’. So often, we feel guilty and condemned in our situations, blaming ourselves or other people and feeling there is no alternative to the situation. The truth is, that no matter what the cause of our predicament, God is able to step in and turn things around. The darkness we face – whether self-inflicted or not – cannot stand against the light Jesus brings. Just as the man had to be obedient only to the commands Jesus gave, so we too need to be obedient to the light we have received and then we can see a miracle for us all, as our spiritual eyes are opened and our understanding becomes clear.