Our activity tonight involved questions about the heart. For the adults, we had to label a diagram of the heart, which revealed our woeful lack of knowledge of basic human anatomy… (The answers are below… I have to say this activity reminded me of Mitch Benn’s clever song on love entitled ‘The Chambers of the Heart’, with its memorable lines:

‘You can tussle with corpuscles

When the tricuspid valve’s dilated

And I don’t think I’ve ever felt so high

As when I’m fully oxygenated…’)

Simple Human Heart Diagram Labeled Labelled Heart Diagram Picture Of The Human Heart Labeled – Human – Anatomy Body Library

The children, while blindfolded, had to stick a heart onto Stephen (a new version of ‘Pin the Tail on the Donkey’, perhaps!)

Jeanette spoke at the end of the meeting about how faith is rather like the heart, a muscle that needs to be exercised. David faced many frightening situations in life (Saul’s persecution of him, the Philistines as enemies and so on), but he learned to trust God when afraid (Ps 56:2-3), to hide in the shadow of God’s wings (Ps 57:1) and to depend on God’s deliverance at all times (see Ps 18). He had to take refuge in caves at times and faced many troubles in life, but his faith did not falter. We too can be like David, allowing every situation to draw us into a greater dependence on God, learning that His grace is sufficient for us at all times, for His power is made perfect in our weakness. (2 Cor 12:9)