The Declaration of Independence expresses the ideals on which the United States of America was founded and the reasons for its separation (independence) from Great Britain. It was the unanimous declaration of the thirteen united states of America in 1776 and is one of the most highly revered documents in American history.

I believe God calls His people to a different kind of declaration. This declaration is a declaration of dependence. Our world lives in defiant independence of God. It believes either that there is no god or that He is not worth our attention and allegiance. The Bible firmly asserts, however, that God is the creator and sustainer of our world (see Genesis 1, John 1, Hebrews 1) and that He is looking for people who will admit their need for him, confess that their ways of managing life are inadequate and contrary to His ways and laws and will turn back to Him in humble dependence. (Prov 3:5-6) He is looking for people who will trust Him unequivocally with their lives and who will love Him with all their hearts, minds, souls and strength. He is looking for people who will embrace the foolishness of God and who will live every day by faith and not by sight. (2 Cor 5:7)

By signing this declaration of dependence, each person turns their back on pride and acknowledges their own helplessness and impotence, but learns to lean on God’s omniscience and omnipotence for everyday life. By signing this declaration of dependence, each person renounces the worldview that says better government, better education and better justice systems will provide the answers for which we search and determines to live life in surrendered obedience to God. By signing this declaration of dependence, each person acknowledges that the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ are the only means of salvation for all people and identifies with that death and resurrection as the only way significant personal, communal and global transformation can be made. By signing this declaration of dependence, each person nails their colours to the mast and prays, ‘Your kingdom come, Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven’ (Matt 6:10) – not simply in recitation but as the longing of a heart that knows nothing but God’s kingdom and God’s will ever truly satisfy mankind.

This is the declaration of dependence each Christian is called to sign. How many signatures will be added to this declaration today?