A Passion That Pursues The Purpose of God

Yan Hadley spoke this morning from Phil 3:13 about a passion that pursues the purpose of God. We are not meant to spend our lives looking back, but should be straining forward towards God, living for Him with a zeal which reflects His (see Is 9:6-7, John 2:17)....

Evening & Morning

The Jewish day does not begin at midnight, as ours does, but at sunset, based on the Biblical account of creation: ‘and there was evening, and there was morning’, a phrase repeated throughout the six days of creation (Gen 1:3, 8, 13,19, 23,31). We might...

Trustworthy And True

I was never a big fan of politicians, but the past two years have eroded any residual trust I had in these people. Their policies, outright lies and obfuscation of truth have left me cynical and untrusting, and it’s sad that these feelings can often be transferred to...

A New And Living Way

Garry went on to remind us that as we enter a new year, we often start with new resolutions (some of which don’t last very long!) Last year was very difficult for many people (perhaps an ‘annus horribilis’ for many, as the Queen once described 1992),...

Old & New

Garry spoke tonight about things that are old and new and how things change. We looked at cars, houses, phones, hair styles and clothes, and saw that most people find the newer versions of these things preferable! The first cars often did not have a roof or protection...