Answered Prayer

Those of you who read this page regularly know that we believe God answers prayer. We are thrilled to hear of the progress on the Eternal Wall of Answered Prayer (, a sculpture being built in the North-East of England which will have a...

A Pollyanna Perspective

Perspective matters hugely when it comes to joy. Two people can view the same circumstances entirely differently; one will show resilience and positivity; another will feel despair and want to give up. Some of this depends on temperament, but much depends on...

Christmas Planning

The song ‘Midnight’ by Helen and Mark Johnson has the line ‘Tonight’s events were planned in heaven/ The greatest story ever penned,’ and in our carol service tonight we looked at the preparation that went into the first Christmas....

Immanuel – God With Us

Dave spoke this morning from Matthew 1:18-25, the angel’s message to Joseph. Joseph must have been mortified by Mary’s announcement to him that she was pregnant, but this news from the angel was equally shocking. Why should they have been chosen by God to...