What Is Your Name?

Tonight we looked at the question God asked Jacob (‘What is your name?’) in probably the most famous wrestling match in the Bible. (Gen 32:22-32) This was a ‘pivotal point incident’ (as Mark Burgin once described it) in Jacob’s life, an...

Blessed are the persecuted…

Andrew from Open Doors spoke to us today about the work of the charity (begun by Brother Andrew in 1955 to help distribute Bibles to the persecuted church in Poland and Russia) and how our prayers and support can help Christians persecuted for their faith throughout...


The prophets were not popular because they brought God’s word of challenge and judgment to His people. In Amos 2:6-16, we see this clearly. People who knew God’s grace and goodness, who had experienced His deliverance and provision through the wilderness...

A Chosen People

Dave spoke from 1 Pet 2:9-10 about being God’s chosen people. People, for all their flaws and imperfections, have wonderful capacities for love, beauty, joy and kindness, being made in God’s image. To be alive is a wondrous thing, but humans constantly ask...

Receiving Divine Strength

Is 40:28-31 contain some of the most encouraging verses in the whole BIble, connecting hope with faith: ‘Those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength.’ (Is 40:31) When we stop trusting in our own strength and stop relying on our own ingenuity, we find...