Advent – Day 2

Anticipation. Expectancy. Waiting eagerly. Preparing for Christmas involves a lot of excitement and anticipation, especially for children. We have Advent calendars where we open a door each day, counting the days down to Christmas (and often uncovering a chocolate...

Advent Hope

On this first Sunday in Advent, Dave spoke from Isaiah 40:25-31 about hope. The single most important attitude for us to adopt is one of hope, and this is entirely Biblical, for God has plans to give us hope and a future. (Jer 29:11) In our culture, hope is often...

Divine Transformation

Mark Burgin spoke this morning on the transforming salvation which God brings through His power. In Isaiah 61:1-4, we see that God can turn situations around, rebuilding ruins and bringing good from evil, beauty from ashes and joy instead of mourning. There can be a...

Advent – Day 1

As we enter the season of Advent, a time when (in the words of the Christmas carol) we are to ‘let every heart prepare Him room’, a time when we prepare for Christmas and the arrival of the baby Jesus at Bethlehem, we are going to be looking at different themes...

Futile Resistance?

The Borg, an alien species in the ‘Star Trek’ series, sought to assimilate others into a collective and had the mantra, ‘Resistance is futile.’ Many of us act as though we were living in a Borg collective, preferring a herd mentality to...