Biblical Consistency

Many people feel that the Old Testament and New Testament are completely different. They see a wrathful, vengeful God in the Old Testament, a set of ‘thou shalt nots’ and are put off by the violence seen there. The New Testament, the story of life from the...

Advent – Day 5

On our last day considering the anticipation of Advent, it’s worth remembering that there is a bitter-sweet quality to anticipation: sometimes, the excitement just becomes too much for us! As a child, I used to be so excited about Christmas that by the time Christmas...

Advent – Day 4

What do you do whilst you are anticipating Christmas? Families often adopt their own traditions, particularly at weekends or in the week before Christmas. They might hold a baking session (I vividly remember baking mince pies with my Mum as a child on the weekend...

Advent – Day 3

Anticipation can make us feel giddy with excitement or sick with dread, depending on what we are anticipating! Perhaps the most notable thing about Christmas is that it’s all about birth, and as every parent knows, the birth of a baby is the end of a long period of...