Pilgrims Passing Through

When I was at university, I learned a lot about 17th century French literature, particularly the plays of Racine and Corneille. My tutor was an expert on that period, and it was a culture shock for a 20th century teenager. Concepts such as honour and virtue featured...

Following Jesus

To be a follower of Jesus is to become a disciple, a learner, an apprentice to a master craftsman. The idea of apprenticheship, where a student learns by watching and copying one with more experience in a skill, has become less popular in recent years, but in the...

See, Judge, Act

Matt 5:13-16 reminds us that we are salt and light in our communities. Light is revelational; salt is transformational. Light shows truth and reveals truth to us; salt is truth in action, where we set an example to others through our lifestyles. Salt stops things...

Don’t You Know Me?

This morning in our series on ‘Questions’, we looked at the question Jesus asked Philip: ‘Don’t you know me, Philip, even after I have been among you such a long time?’ (John 14:9) Knowing Jesus is at the heart of our faith, and it must have...

People & Projects

This week was not without its setbacks. The first hurdle we had to overcome was the weather. The forecast for Monday to Wednesday was of constant light and sometimes heavy showers. The artist, Lydia Caprani, was travelling from Hull and staying all week here, so there...