The Secret We All Need To Learn

Philippians 4 is one of those chapters absolutely jam-packed with promises from God. Philippians 4:6-7 offers us the model for prayer which can transform us from nervous wrecks into peaceful people and Philippians 4:8 gives us the key to victory by showing us where to...

Practical Help & Thanks

Paul gives thanks to the Philippians in Phil 4:10-20 for the practical help they gave him. As Jesus reminded us in the Parable of the Sheep and the Goats, we serve God when we serve other people (see Matt 25:31-46), and this can be seen in a variety of ways (which...


My eighteen-month-old granddaughter has discovered a most useful word: “This!” In her early attempts to communicate verbally with us, she has become an expert at pointing dramatically and announcing, “This!”, with the unspoken subtext being,...

God the Potter

The central reality of life – which few of us ever seem to glimpse, let alone grasp – is that God is at the centre of everything and is the sovereign ruler of all. Jeremiah likens this to a potter who has complete control of His creations, shaping and...

Mercy Hooks

When we are faced with loss – be that the loss of a person, the loss of a friendship or other relationship, the loss of a pet, the loss of a job or even the loss of a dream or hope – there is bereavement and often a period of grieving. That period has no set time...